What is Google Adsense?
Why Google Adsense is No.1 Affiliate Programme?
How to earn from Google Adsense Programme?
Google Adsense is a new, fast and easy way for small and medium sites to make money free online by displaying relevant, text-based, un-obtrusive ads from Google Ads words (Google's own adverting program) and receiving a share of the pay-per-click payment.
Google Adsense is Free to Join Programme. You are not going to pay single penny for Google or Google Adsense.
For that you must have a Website or a Blogspot.
For Adsense Application you log in to Google adsense account with your G-mail id and Password and then go to adsense setup tab and choose ad format, channel and color and it will generate html code for you. You have to paste this html code in your web-page. The Google ads will display within 10 minutes from the paste of your code. The ads are relevant to your content of the page. If visitors visit your website / web-page and click that ad, you can earn money. The earning will be depend on cost per click for that particular ad and placement of that ad. It may around 1 cent to some dollars.
Once your account reaches 100 dollars. Google will send a cheque to your address. After 10 Dollars you will receive Pin Number Card. Once pin number reach your address correctly. Google confirm your address. Then you receive your cheque to that address.
Because the ads are related to what your users are looking for on your site, the result can be much better than you'd earn from banner networks and many affiliate programs.
For now, Adsense is the best way to make money free online informational sites even if there are no obvious related affiliate programs. But you don't need to disregard affiliate programs. You can combine both these ways to make money free online and double your income.
Adsense is easy to join, it doesn't cost you anything, all you have to do is paste a few lines of code in to your web pages, and Google does the work of finding the best ads for them from hundreds of thousands of Adwords advertisers. You can check the relevance of the ads by looking at the right side of this page.
Earn money from relevant ads on your website / blogs all the time
Google AdSense matches ads to your site's content and audience, and depending on the type of ad, you can earn money from clicks or impressions.
What ads Google places on my website and why does Google pay me?
Google gets money from Google Adwords. Google is the biggest advertising giant on internet. People from all over the world advertise on Google and they are willing to pay From 5 cent to One Dollar Per Click. It may vary for each advertiser. Some advertiser bit for more for each click. Say, 50 Cents to 5 dollars for a single click (Advertiser get one visitor from one click) depending on the demand of the product.
Google place the same ad on our websites which is relevant to your website and pays a portion of this money for each and every click. suppose you have a site for realestate then Google will place ads which are realestate related on your website. Suppose you have a site for Job-seekers. Then Google will place ads which job advertisers related on your website. So all the ads given by Google are content related ads. So no need to worry. Ads given by Google are most relevant to your website content.
How to make money with adsense?
Google Adsense Approval is required. Go to Adsense, fill in the application form and confirm an email that Google will send you. If you own several sites, you need apply only once. http://www.google.com/adsense
Google evaluates your site and will send you a mail within 2-3 days (usually within 24 hours).
If you're accepted, you be able to log in to your Adsense account.
Log in to your account using the email address and password that you submitted with your application, and agree to the Adsense Terms and Conditions.
Adsense Size - Adsense Ad Format
Paste the Adsense ad code in to your web pages. There are 10 ad layout choices 728x90, 468x60, 125x125, 120x600, 120x240, 300x250, 250x250, 336x280, and 180x150. In addition to text ads, you can even rotate your ads through up to 4 palettes.
The Adsense ad code is unique for your account and is not site/ page- specific. you can place it on any page or site you own. Google Adsense Click For One Click you can earn From Five Cent to Some Dollars.
How to get the most out of Adsense? Adsense Sites (or)
How to earn from Google Ads
Adsense Tips
There are three obvious way to increase your income from Google Adsense…
1) Increase traffic - Adsense Traffic
Create more keyword-focused pages. See building: site content: finding key words for more information on finding the most profitable keywords.
2) Increase click-through rate - Adsense CPC
Use simple design with the Adsense ads displayed prominently. According to Google, Ads in the skyscraper format works better (especially on the right side of the page). Focus to only one topic per page-that should make it easier for Google to serve up the more tightly contextual ads which means better click-through.
3) Increase the value of clicks - Cost Per Click
Of course, you can't do it directly. However, you can find some "expensive" Keywords and create [pages optimized for them, within your site's theme. These keywords are highly competitive and you'll unlikely get high ranking for them, but visitors will arrive from other "inexpensive" pages and click on Google's ads.
Adsense Income
Once Your account reaches 100 Dollars Google will send a cheque in your name to your address mentioned in the application form.
Wish you Happy and Successful Google Adsense earnings online.
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